Blessings of nature to the entire Earth!

2024 年自然栽培の米作りスタート!無農薬・無肥料・自然の力だけでこんなに元気に育っています。素晴らしい! 収穫が待ち遠しいです♡
The 2024 natural rice cultivation has started!
Growing so healthily with no pesticides, no fertilizers, no chemicals, just the power of nature.
How amazing!
We can’t wait for the harvest. ♡

元気な種籾を選ぶ為の塩水選・お湯と塩だけで、薬は使わない温湯消毒を行いました。自然栽培に興味のある方たちが参加してくれました。We implemented saltwater selection to choose healthy seed rice.
We used hot water and salt for seed disinfection without any chemicals.People who were interested in natural cultivation participated.
通りすがりの方や、地元の農家さんも興味津々!This is planting rice seed directly to the soil.
People who were passing by and local farmers were all curious!

2023 年は大根が沢山取れ、漬物作りに挑戦し始めました。
The year of 2033, we could harvested many daikon. We tried making pickles in the first time.

花は乾燥させハーブティーに、葉は天ぷらでいただきます。 自然界の恵みを余すとこなく堪能させていただきました。The Malva sylvestris blooms with truly beautiful flowers. The flowers are dried and used for herbal tea.
The leaves are used for tempura.We fully enjoyed the blessings of nature without wasting a thing.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

We are deeply appreciated for the blessings of nature.

The earth has become healthier through natural farming!
In order to our descendants to live healthy and happy lives live, we gain the power of earth and we become healthy which is the most important.Let’s start together now.
We look forward to your participation.