"Natural Cultivation Wisdom Bag 【Chapter of The Rice Farming】
For growing the healthy and strong seedlings without using chemicals, start with salt water selection for the rice seeds.
The salt water selection is a method of sorting out healthy rice seeds. The seed is sorted out by “floats" or "sinks" in salt water.

【Salt Water Selection】
井戸水(10L)に対して 塩(1.5kg~2.1kg)を大きめのポリバケツに入れて混ぜる。
1. Make the salted water.Mix salt (1.5kg-2.1kg) into well water (10L) in a large plastic bucket.*How to check the concentration is using an egg. Put the egg gently into the solution.
The egg should sink and then float up and the tip is slightly above the water surface. Another way is that using a salinity meter for selection.

2. Put the rice seeds into the salted water which we made in step 1.Remove the floated seed, collect and use only the sinking seeds.
(they are the healthy and strong seeds).

3. Put the seeds that sank in step 2 into the strainer, wash then with well water, and rinse then 3-4 times with flowing water.

4. Pour the washed seeds from step 3 into the strainer again. Taste to check the dipping water from the strainer if there is any saltiness remaining. If the water tastes saltiness, wash it again.

5. Put 1kg of seeds into each bags.
Now complete the selection!
Next time, we will introduce “hot water disinfection” without using chemicals!